Bridge Demolition Downtown Toronto
QM performed Demolition and Engineering services to remove the existing concrete bridge (circa 1928) adjacent to the Metrolinx… Continue Reading Bridge Demolition Downtown Toronto
CFB Comox Fire Fighting Training Area Remediation
The Canadian Forces Base Comox, situated in the town of Comox, BC, on the east-central coast of Vancouver… Continue Reading CFB Comox Fire Fighting Training Area Remediation

Portlands Flood Protection 33.6 – Polson Slip Wet Excavation and Finishes
QM Environmental was awarded the RFP 33.6 Subcontract as part of the Portlands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure project in Toronto. Continue Reading Portlands Flood Protection 33.6 – Polson Slip Wet Excavation and Finishes
Oak Bay Lodge Demolition
During 2021 and 2022, our hazmat abatement crews have worked over 40,000 person-hours to safely remove and dispose… Continue Reading Oak Bay Lodge Demolition

Roadside Spill Response at Abbotsford, British Columbia
On December 2nd, around 10:50am, a Super B tanker truck carrying approximately thirty thousand litres of oil was… Continue Reading Roadside Spill Response at Abbotsford, British Columbia
Gunnar Other Site Aspects Remediation
In June 2019, QM Environmental, through its limited partnership with Point Athabasca Contracting LP (“QM Points LP” or… Continue Reading Gunnar Other Site Aspects Remediation
Roadside Spill Response at Highway 1
Effective October 30, 2018, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy made it mandatory for any… Continue Reading Roadside Spill Response at Highway 1
Cooling Tower #3
Within the months of January and February, QM Environmental provided Abatement and Demolition services for a mechanical cooling tower built in the '70s. Continue Reading Cooling Tower #3
University of Victoria Housing and Dining
QM was awarded the contract to abatement and demolish 2 residence buildings and 1 student dining and meeting hall for a Student Dining and Housing Project on the University of Victoria Campus located in Victoria, BC. Continue Reading University of Victoria Housing and Dining

Former Lejac Residential School Foundation Remnant Infrastructure Demolition
With the history and significance of the site and the cost savings we could provide with our in-house remediation and Haz-Mat divisions, QM jumped on the opportunity to bid on the work. Continue Reading Former Lejac Residential School Foundation Remnant Infrastructure Demolition
Highway 63
Highway 63 in Northern Alberta is a busy stretch of highway connecting the communities of the Athabasca Oil Sands. As the main artery feeding in and out of oil industry hotspots like Fort McMurray. Continue Reading Highway 63
KEL,SET (Reay) Creek Pond Remediation
QM Environmental completed a remedial excavation of approximately 5,100 cubic meters of sediment from a pond where contaminated sediment had accumulated from Victoria International Airport runoff. Continue Reading KEL,SET (Reay) Creek Pond Remediation
Mount Washington
On a remote corner of Vancouver Island, an open pit copper mine abandoned in 1967 became the source of contamination for a historically rich aquatic habitat, the Tsolum River. Continue Reading Mount Washington
Gallant Creek Sediment Basin
Construction and Installation of a Sediment Debris Trap Structure. QM LP was selected by the District of North Vancouver to complete a sediment basin construction project at Gallant Creek. Continue Reading Gallant Creek Sediment Basin
Harbour Towers Hotel
QM Environmental was awarded the contract to convert an existing iconic 13-storey hotel tower and 4 stories below grade into residential rental units (to be known as "The James at Harbour Towers") located in the downtown harbour of Victoria, BC. Continue Reading Harbour Towers Hotel
Gunnar Mines
A Toxic Legacy. Decades of neglect left this former uranium mine site in a dangerous state of decay. More than a mine site, in fact, Gunnar Mines was a community turned ghost town when in 1963, the mines shut down. Continue Reading Gunnar Mines
Rock Bay
The clean-up of a former coal gasification plant in Rock Bay, BC has been one of the most significant remediation projects in Canadian history. Continue Reading Rock Bay
Victoria High School – Technical Wing
QM Environmental was awarded the contract for the hazardous materials abatement and demolition of a multi-wing, multi-storey high school. Continue Reading Victoria High School – Technical Wing
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Infection Control and Select Interior Demolition. QM was awarded The Surrey Memorial Hospital Pharmacy Upgrade – Infection Control and Select Interior Demolition in May 2014. Continue Reading Surrey Memorial Hospital
St. George’s Building Abatement
QM Environmental was awarded the St. George's Phase 1B and 2 Abatement contract by Chard Developments. The building is a mixed-use, purpose-built rental redevelopment in the heart of Central Lonsdale in North Vancouver. Continue Reading St. George’s Building Abatement
Southern Alberta Institute Of Technology
Abatement and Demolition of Former Owasina Hall Residence. QM Environmental was selected to complete the abatement and demolition of a 23-storey high rise building near downtown Calgary. Continue Reading Southern Alberta Institute Of Technology
Sears Abatement Project
Performing Work Without Operational Interruptions. In late October 2015, the Sears store in St. Catharines, ON had a small house fan overheat and catch fire inside the boiler room. Continue Reading Sears Abatement Project
Powers Creek Water Treatment Plant
QM Environmental was awarded the contract for the remedial excavation of approximately 8,900 cubic meters of sediment from the West Kelowna Water Treatment Reservoir. Continue Reading Powers Creek Water Treatment Plant
Pottersburg Creek
Until the discovery of its high toxicity levels, PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) was a synthetic compound used frequently in commercial and industrial applications. In the 1980s. Continue Reading Pottersburg Creek
Mount Blenheim Excavation
Remote Access Remedial Excavation. QM Environmental was awarded the contract to perform the remedial excavation on top of Mount Blenheim, northeast of Bamfield, British Columbia. Continue Reading Mount Blenheim Excavation