QM is an industry leader in providing solutions for waste disposal and recycling programs. We offer a variety of services including recycling and waste management for our customers across Canada. We also have the necessary facilities to manage waste for industrial, commercial, retail, and residential customers.
With a focus on waste diversion and the environment, QM is committed to delivering environmental solutions that are tailored to meet our customers’ requirements and comply with all environmental mandates set out by Federal and Provincial legislation.
We are active members of the Ontario Waste Management Association and operate in compliance with government regulations for waste diversion and innovative methods for treating waste.
Facilities: Soil Management And Disposal
QM provides full-service capabilities for our clients’ soil management and disposal needs. With over 20 years of industry experience, we ensure that soil disposal is conducted in an appropriate manner and in accordance with all government regulatory requirements.
Fill Site Management
QM operates clean fill sites which employ rigorous environmental and geotechnical screening protocols to protect the land on which fill is placed. We ensure that placed fill is both geotechnical and environmentally suitable for the proposed future land use. We work with landowners to develop filling programs and generate revenue for the landowner from charged tipping fees.
Contaminated Soil
QM operates a soil bioremediation treatment facility that treats and disposes of contaminated soils. Our facility is carefully engineered and monitored to protect the surrounding environment and to meet or exceed industry standards.
QM works closely with its clients to determine the most appropriate treatment method for each batch of soil and to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met. Our soil treatment facility is located at Duncan, BC.
We also maintain a database of permitted landfills and disposal sites. This expertise and knowledge base ensures we can find suitable and cost-effective disposal solutions for contaminated soil.
Memberships / Associations
Gallant Creek Sediment Basin
Construction and Installation of a Sediment Debris Trap Structure. QM LP was selected by the District of North Vancouver to complete a sediment basin construction project at Gallant Creek. Continue Reading Gallant Creek Sediment Basin
Middle Harbour Remediation
QM Environmental, through its Joint Venture, QM/JJM Contracting, was awarded a contract for the remediation and restoration of contaminated soil in an infilled area of Middle Harbour, at Laurel Point Park, Victoria in British Columbia. Continue Reading Middle Harbour Remediation
Julian Tile Site Remediation
Soil Remediation and Waste Management Solutions. QM Environmental was retained to complete the site soil remediation at a former commercial building site in Calgary, Alberta. Continue Reading Julian Tile Site Remediation